Thursday, June 05, 2008

Super Sekrit Alt

Quote of the day

I started the day out on a pillage with my friends over at Wobison’s Angels. I love these people so much. I used to be just another cheeky pirate running around and stabbing people, then I met Solame and saw how she was all hugs and hearts and it warmed my cold heart. It was a hard transition at first, but now I find I like to hug other pirates, even strangers. Giving away hugs makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Ara, Sol, Keverrs
Sol likes Ara’s booty
Wobison’s Angels

Some people might think I’d be rusty after not working my pirate skills for so long, but I’m not rusty at all. I do great on all my puzzles and never mess up. The duty report lies sometimes and will tell you I’m only doing good, but you know I’m incredible.
Oh ye booched it

During one of the fights we had we came across some really mean brigands who were on an anti-heart campaign. They felt they had to put an end to Solame’s loving nature and make the ocean a meaner place. Those big bullies!
ouch on Solame

I kept falling off the ship. It happened several times during this pillage. A combination of high winds, rolling seas, and Solame’s blood all over the deck made for a hazardous work place. Hmm, I should have asked for hazard pay.
deck is slippery

After the pillage I decided to have some random Come Find Me fun with my crew and flag mates. I dressed up like someone that doesn’t look like me and hid myself in Onyx. Then I told them the first person that finds me gets sixty nine pieces of eight. I was afraid no one was going to look, so I upped the pay to also include a doubloon. I think only my crew was really looking, but that might be my own fault. I didn’t make sure what the flag mates were doing before hand and I think Dunkhan was out on a voyage. But then again when is he not out on a voyage?
Come Find Me

Ellibug was the first person to find me. She first walked up to where I was cleverly hidden on the docks of Tigerleaf Mountain and asked if she could ask me a question. Timid little pirate, I just demand things without permission before hand, but anyway she asked if I was Arachne and I told her I was, but that she still needed to send the tell as the rules of the game stated to get her reward. So she sent me the tell and I announced her as winner and 69’d her and gave her a doubloon.
Ellie finds Kehle

Then I pointed out the obvious in regards to Ellie’s clothes and what wasn’t there to them. Trukker said he preferred it that way though and Ellie seemed more than happy to please him.
Ellie’s clothes are falling off

I took a little break to go practice my skills on my new undercover identity which I am calling my Super Sekrit Alt. I know no one will be able to guess it’s really me. We don’t look anything alike and her name isn’t Arachne spelled backwards, well okay she looks just like me and her name is Arachne spelled backwards. But I’m sure I’ll fool the entire ocean anyway, despite that she has a white rat named Web Silk. Is that not the cutest? I had to name her that.
Super Sekrit Alt

First thing I did on my Super Sekrit Alt was get her the fencer trophy. I love to sword fight, so she loves to sword fight too. Funny how that works with her being me and all. She also went on a pillage to buy herself some clothes, but it was a random job off the notice board with people I’d never heard of. And I don’t know why, but they had gunners even though they’d just sit there in the battle and wait to be grappled. You know it’s a bad pillage when I’m at the top of my duty every report every time.
fencer trophey

After training my super sekrit alt, I answered Captain Corn’s call. He wanted to give me a hand. He did give me a hand, not sure who’s it was though as it seemed he cut it from a zombie. I took it home and stuck it in a barrel of lye so my whole house won’t stink but so I could tell him I still have it if he asks.
CC gives Ara a hand

Then I followed Keverrs into Atlantis. Keverrs and Hawkings are the only ones I follow into Atlantis, but I do so love going there. Unfortunately we didn’t make it out this trip, but that happens sometimes.

I needed another voyage and was checking to see where Ruin was to find that she was still in her own Atlantis trip with IC. I’m afraid to job with IC though, afraid to come across my enemies. So for no other reason that curiosity I checked to see where Rover was and saw his message that said he was in a flotilla with Hurly. I checked the ship and saw a couple of my own crewmates were on the ship too so I had to get on as well. I sent Hurly a message asking him if I could come but received no reply. That’s when my crewmates told me they were headed into port and it was too late. But to restate, Hurly it wasn’t you I was stalking, it was Rover. The one who never remembers me. I know it might seem otherwise since you were in yesterday’s log and sent you a tell out of the blue today to warn you about the log, but I only knew you were on then when you declined the invitation to join Keverrs in Atlantis.

So with that voyage porting I finally noticed the cries of my own flag that Bootleg Bandits was out. I get puzzle vision something fierce and wouldn’t even have looked for that other if I’d only realized. So I jobbed with them. . . off the notice board to be funny.
mgrapple or rgrapple
more mates
Bootleg Bandits

After that pillage I heard there was a ghost drifting around Onyx, but she didn’t linger long. Good thing too cause ghosts freak me out more than large dark men in pink skirts and wigs.
Rami is on and Tik freaks
ghost is gone

I ended my night by stalking Tikao. Lego came by to see if we were up to anything he wanted to watch but was disappointed to only see hugging. Sorry, Lego.
Tikao and Ara
Lego, Tikao, and Ara

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