Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Joly Roger [Kaddis]

Jolyma had sent a pigeon to me that said she planned to pillage later in the evening so I rushed out of my secret hiding spot and out into the open where the rest of the crew could find me. (I logged on.) Off and on all day people randomly pop out into the open and then back into their own hiding spots again. It’s rather odd. I wonder who they’re looking for and why the rest of us won’t do? One of them was nice enough to greet us as he ran off again though.
greet and run

By the time Jolyma showed up we were already out on a pillage. Sorry we didn’t wait Jolyma. And Yamiko, she came onto me without any warning, I was just busy on my carping station and hammering away when she attacked me and tickled me. That’s not my fault.
Jolyma tickles Kaddis and he drops his hammer the pillaging crew

My darling, Yamiko I’d never come onto Jolyma. I’m not that type of pirate. When I dedicated myself to you, I meant it. Well, I’ll mean it more once it’s a real commitment and beyond the courting stage. I just can’t afford a ring yet. Not to mention we haven’t talked about that yet. You wouldn’t happen to be one of those liberated pirates that’d buy me the ring would you?
whispers of sweet pirate nothings

Jolyma and Taelac decided to warn the rest of the flag that I am a stalker. I really think such an allegation is a bit unfounded however. Just because I’ve stalked a few people does not make me a stalker. And besides, the only one I am truly stalking right now is Yamiko. The rest of you are just for fun and teasing.
warning of stalking

Nalanthi has difficulties speaking. When you’re around him and his speech impediment shows up, try not to make too much fun of him.
troubles talking
Yer standing in chat went down and is able in your archipelago

I wanted to practice my duty navigation, but I couldn’t, it told me I didn’t have enough experience. I remembered I needed gunning experience, so I went to practice my guns, but still couldn’t. So I had to sit on bilge all night. I really hate the bilge. I got my broad in bilge however and went on to play on guns a little. By that time though I was too tired to really get into the guns. I need to work on my guns so Yamiko will think I’m sexy.
broad in bilge

I went back to land and decided to get a labor badge and a few jobs among the stalls of my crew mates. I worked at apothecary a bit and got myself another trophy when I did an incredible job.
cheering at the apoth stall incred in apoth

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