Saturday, June 28, 2008

Joly's Flirting Continues [Kaddis]

I found out today that Joly is not only coming onto me, but also my Yamiko as well. I’m not sure what Joly’s goal is. She doesn’t seem to be trying to split us up, so I can’t help but wonder if she’s trying to become the third person of a trio. I’ve been in those types of relationships before and have nothing against it, though I have no idea how Yamiko feels about it, and I can’t afford to dote upon them both.
Yamiko and Jolyma go to the crow’s nest

Despite how she’s hitting on my woman and myself, I still went out on a pillage with Jolyma. Yamiko was there as well. I asked permission to come onboard, but I was receiving no response, finally Yamiko granted it to me and I decided that was good enough for me. Joly pointed out that she’d sent a pigeon after me and called me there for the sole purpose of going on the voyage anyway and that I therefore didn’t need to ask permission to board. But I kindly responded that I felt as an officer I should lead by example and follow our crew rules.
Well Known ... permission granted by Yamiko Bint follows the rules

It was a rough pillage however. The prey was in short supply and the waves were really high (Joly had huge lag problems with her connection.)
Another battle? Please?

What little prey we found really didn’t like Jolyma much. We also almost had trouble with a new crewmate. He was more than a little crazy and his randomness was all over the place. He was truthfully a bit much for me, so when he insulted Jolyma’s battle navigation I found my hand drifting toward my sword. Well, alright we were already in a battle, but I kept thinking of turning my sword on him. I had to ask him to stop at the threat of planking, then asked in officer chat if Jolyma would be mad if I planked someone for something like that during the middle of a battle. She said she wouldn’t, but the little crewbie settled down and apologized. He was supposed to go after that battle, but lingered too long and another sea battle started, so he stayed with us until the end of that one as well. That he stayed started to redeem him with me, and when Joly told us he’d given her a doubloon as an apology, I decided to forgive him outright. His humor is a bit much, but he was only trying to be funny and didn’t mean any harm.
Joly stabbed hard

When we ported I saw the cuts everyone was getting and realized Joly had not sent me that pigeon when she started her pillage. My feelings were greatly hurt. Seriously, I thought about thinking about crying.
Should know when Joly is on a pillage.

Then I noticed Joly was only in rags. She’s our queen and thus shouldn’t be in rags. I had to go buy her an outfit. I thought about buying Yamiko one as well, but she’s already dressed better than I could afford to help her with. Jolyma’s new outfit will be ready tomorrow and then I just have to hunt her down, give it to her, and hope that Yamiko isn’t too jealous.
Joly in rags

Randomness of the day

Beartooth was either lost or had had too much rum. If I could afford a prize, I’d turn this into a story event.
Beartooth logs on, looks confused, logs off.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:10 PM

    You two aren't allowed setting me up like that while I am in serious puzzle vision.
