Thursday, June 26, 2008

Finding and Adding a Hearty

For this demonstration, I asked one of my hearties to help me. I already know this pirate and highly discourage you from randomly sending tells to any pirates you are not friends with. They might complain you for harassment if you do. We’ll talk more about harassment in the Etiquette section.

My first step was to find out where Jolyma was so I could add her to my hearty list. I typed in /who Jolyma and in my Ahoy tab I have a message that tells me what island or ship she is on. Doing this will also tell you if your hearties are busy on a pirate station.
where Joly

I find out that Jolyma is on Tigerleaf Moutain, which I know is in the Onyx Archipelago.
Joly is on Tigerleaf in Onyx

I’m standing in my shack on Sakejima Island which is in the Jade Archipelago. A ferry can not get me from Sakejima to Tigerleaf Moutain.
shack Sakejima in Jade

I send my friend a tell to ask her if she can please invite me so I can hearty her.
invite me please

I receive the invite in my Ahoy tab and click accept to be whisked to her. I’m carried away on a magical wind that not only takes me to the island she is on, but straight to the room she is in as well.
received invite

From here I click on her to see the many options that pop up around her and then I click on the little heart to hearty her.
Joly and Shade Invite to be yer hearty

Jolyma accepts my hearty invitation and we are now hearties. Please remember to always ask someone first before you try to hearty them. There’s more on that in the Etiquette section.
Joly accepts Jolyma has been added to your hearty list

Now when I look at my Crew tab, I see a list of my hearties, which right now is just Jolyma.
hearty list

I already knew where I could find a hearty, but if you don’t know anyone yet, then worry not. Just talk to pirates you meet and be nice until you find one you like and ask them to hearty you. Try to make friends before you claim friends.

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