Elliebug sank in the blockade and got herself an eyepatch. She was very excited about having lost an eye. I myself rather enjoy having both. They say if you lose an eye sometimes your depth perception is knocked off. I’d think that’d get in the way of my sailing and carping.

After Ellie left my house I grabbed some money and headed over to the tailor stall to buy myself a new skirt. There’s talk about the Senior Officers of Dark Horizon getting a portrait and I need a new skirt for it. The stall I wanted to buy from wasn’t selling so I thought I’d hop over to Fintan and check their prices, see if I could get the same skirt made for cheaper. When I got there I found a large ring of pirates. At first I couldn’t join their circle, because there wasn’t room but then someone left it and I jumped in right next to Arrgy. She said she was going to pass out so I offered my arms to fall into.

As time went on the circle kept getting smaller. Pirates that had been in the blockade fell off one by one to go get some rest, or some of them even to go back out to sea.

Some of these pirates have been mentioned in the log before so I thought maybe I should warn them in case I haven’t in the past so I told them about how I chronicle my adventures. And I reminded Smelly once again how we first met. She always remembers when I bring up the hiding in trees at Lima. (Even though that was technically Ramina and not Arachne)

Collibri found us on the circle and also joined us. I didn’t ask but I assumed she was just walking by and saw us there, just like the way I’d found the circle on the docks. It’s possible she was stalking me though, I have stalked her before.

I left to go take a little nap and then when I came back I received a jobbing invite from Bigredone. Normally I get a tell along with these that warns me what type of voyage I’m jobbing into, but he’s a flaggie so I just shrugged and accepted. The voyage was a sloop pillage with my friends and flag mates Bootleg Bandits.

While I was on that pillage, my experience in sailing went up to paragon. Won’t be long before I’ve caught up with Ramina and then surpass her. (For those of you who don’t know, Arachne used to be the alt. Now she’s the main.)

I love my crew and like to randomly tell them so. Sometimes I start thinking about it and then the love wells up within me and overwhelms me. At those times I have to say something. I just hope I don’t tell them so much my words lose their meaning, cause then I might have to start being nicer so my actions speak for me. I do so love being cheeky.

Despite all my love I also randomly got the urge to tell them I was better then they all were and that’s why my name was at the top of the list of crew mates online. Ellie was in second and Law in third. I pointed out how far down the list Tikao was and suggested a mutiny, but they just laughed.

Sometimes when a pirate tells you they need to step away for a little bit you don’t question them, but let them go. Tikao can be so difficult at times. You know she actually ordered me to stalk her tonight? Geez, what a demanding queen captain I have.

The stalking order was a little harder to follow because I’ve never been to Mermaid’s Purse. Tikao was complaining I wasn’t coming and at first accused me that I was too cheap to buy a whisking potion, but I told her to check her stalls’ records. I buy more than I need just to give myself work.

I was crying about how Tikao wouldn’t leave that island so I could follow her orders, when Lord Luci offered a little advice on how to get to the island anyway. He has improved my stalking technique and is now my new hero.

So with the new technique in hand I found my way to Mermaid’s Purse and stalked Tikao and Lawson. Others had been there too for the fighting of zombies, but by the time I got there the others had left. A whole island to myself with just my Tik and my Law.

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