Monday, June 30, 2008

Faytel Returns! [Ara]

Sinkhan saw Tikao and Lawson greeting each other sweetly and voiced a desire to have someone talk to him like that as well, so Tikao sicked me on him. I mean she suggested I talk to him sweetly.
my sweet little cannon fodder

I was standing in my house until I got bored and decided to see where my Lawson and Tikao were. I thought for sure they’d be together, but Tikao was on a ship and Lawson was all alone, so I rushed to Labyrinth Moors to be with him. Then I rushed back to Tigerleaf to be with him. Why can’t the prey sit still when I’m stalking? I found him in a furniture store. Can’t mention all of what happened next, but Tikao ended up getting so jealous she made up a story about needing help on a merchant run and demanded both Lawson and I come and, “put your hands to better use.”
Ara finds LawsonLawson gets worriedLawson faints

Yesterday I mentioned Elliebug talking to the ship when she meant to talk someone else, but now it’s Trukker’s turn to be on display for his chat booching. When he saw Ellie he got so excited he told everyone on ship to get on the ship. We were already there, thanks, Trukker. And yes, that was Ellie Raven was greeting on ship as well.
chat booching

We ported safely without any trouble on the seas, other than my series of fine on carp that made Lawson put a bot on there with me. Something in the wind in that segment of the journey, because right as I was about to give up I started doing excellent again.
mates on deck

When Faytel and I got to the dock we found a sleeping Captain Flood. I’m so glad Faytel is back again. I missed her so much while she was gone. She thought we were attacking a random pirate, because we’ve done that. But I doubt it was any less fun for her just because I know Floody.
prey locatedplans made

As the three of us were standing there chatting, Eyeore showed up to chat with us. Lawson saw us, but ran away where it was safer, away from our insanity.
EyeoreLawson runsrandom fun

As we stood there and kept chatting, Crazydog and then Collibri came by and joined us as well. It’s kinda odd when I stand on the docks by chance and the first four pirates that happen by are all hearties.
crazy joinsColli joins

With three of them having been Ramina’s family the conversation seemed to drift to her. I think it started when someone mentioned her soul getting eaten. That might have been my fault.
Ara didn’t poison RamiAra had nothing to do with Rami’s deathAra only ate her soul so she wouldn’t become a zombie or skellie

For the record, I win. I can’t remember what it was I won, but I had to get Floody down in print saying it to be recorded evermore.
Ara wins

At the end of the night, I decided Faytel needed magenta walls. Magenta walls are right up her alley, bright colors for a bright personality. Riyae was her roommate in her shack though and I didn’t want to put Riyae out, so I made Faytel a room mate in my empty cabin and told her she could have full run of the place. I painted the first room there magenta and orange for her. While we were there, mates showed up to sword fight with us, and we ended the night stabbing each other for practice.
mates in a cabinmates in a cabin

I hope Riyae didn’t need Faytel’s wardrobe. . maybe I should buy her one. Or move them both into my townhouse.


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Souls Are Yummy [Ara]

For the record, I did not slip anything into Ramina’s fried kraken that night. It had nothing to do with her recent writing of a will that left me everything. I did not get her killed so I could eat her soul and absorb her power.
mounting guns and eating souls

But on a different note, I was just sitting in my house when Captain Corn started crying out for help. It seems he’s too nice for his own good and can’t tell an annoying greenie to take her emo problems with her boyfriend elsewhere.
CC in trouble

So I decided to save him and I rushed over to the docks of Jubilee to pretend to be an angry and overly jealous girlfriend. Hope you don’t mind, Phae, not trying to steal him, only rescue him.
Who’s this then?Back off he’s taken!And put some clothes on!

She got mad at me, called me a shank, and walked off. Unfortunately for CC, she continued to talk to him in tells. He eventually did the wise thing and logged off. Then she turned her attention toward me, apologized, and like a fool I accepted her apology and forgave her. She then wanted to hang out and tell me her boy troubles and be my hearty. I fled back to my house.
CC thanks AraAra rules!

Shush You! [Kaddis]

I found Yami sleeping on the job, so I cuddled her awhile until the urge to stir welled within me and I had to go find something else to do. I’m not sure if cuddling makes one useful?
cuddle sleeping Yamiko

Today I realized I have issues needing to feel useful. Felt useful to my last captain most the time because he’s afraid of sirens and I was a bit known on that ocean as a siren slayer. Not sure what is says about me that I have a need to be of use to others, but I digress, no one cares to hear about my last ocean.

Yami was telling me she was perfectly happy being a trio with herself, me, and Jolyma so long as Yamiko remained the number one lady of my heart. Joly said something about not talking like that when she’s working. I’m not sure if she’s afraid we’re going to say something compromising about her, or if she just wants to join in, but good luck stopping us.
Not while Joly is puzzling?

Joly asked us who would go on a pillage, so we started telling her which of us would come if she started one. She seemed to think we were supposed to jump onboard at the mention of a pillage, but she didn’t ask if we were coming, she asked if we would. Have to ask the right questions to get the right answers.
Who do you think you are, my queen?
Joly upset the ship the ship

I decided the pillage was a good time to give Jolyma the modest little clothing I bought her so she’d look better for the jobbers. They’re not exactly the clothes fitting of my queen, but they’re better than rags. And it’s a good thing Yamiko agreed to the trio because I bought Jolyma clothes that’d match what I was wearing, which is something I hear pirate couples do.
Joly in new outfit Joly thanks Kaddis

Tae ended up joining us as well, and we were having so many rumble matches I couldn’t help but continue to comment on how good Tae is at rumble and kept saying she’d win all our matches for us.
Tae will win our rumble for us

One of Yamiko’s friends stopped by and she was calling him love, which got to me a little bit, then she let him into our crew as a full member.
Kaddis doesn’t trust Dan, he eyes Kaddis’ woman

Joly sure tells Yamiko or myself to shush a lot. Too bad neither of us will ever listen to that command. That’s one command from my queen I can not comply with.
shush you!
shush you!

Much later in the evening, long after the pillage, I decided to work on my gunning some more. I don’t really want to load guns, I want to navigate, but I can’t navigate with the navy until I’ve gotten a certain amount of experience in gunning with them. As time went on I got more and more tired of gunning until it got to the point I was just sorta sitting on guns for the experience and was thus booching. (This is when I got distracted on Arachne and was chasing the greenie off CC. I stayed on guns on Kaddis for the experience.)
booching guns broad in guns

Yamiko and Kaddis die together Mug of Blood

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Random Love [Ara]

The day started with me going to Atlantis with my mate, Hawkings. I carped most the time, which ended up being a mistake. I didn’t do so well and thus didn’t get anything. I told myself last time I went to Atlantis that the next time I’d sail, but I guess I don’t listen to myself much. I also lost my only one verses one I did.
Atlantis with Odin’s DemiseAra lost

The strangest thing to happen was a random love declaration from Keverrs. I’m not sure what I did to get it though.
they love Ara

I then went to Tigerleaf and just stood on the docks. Been a long time since I’ve been docktarting. I saw Rumandgun, but I don’t think he saw me and fled. Then Colli stopped by and we chatted a little. I was slightly distracted preparing my mind for my XO commands I was going to use however.
Rumandgun and ArachneCollli and Arachne

Then I boarded the ship and got ready to play XO. I do so enjoy XOing, I don’t know why others aren’t fighting me to do the job. Well sometimes CC seems like he’d like to do it, and also helps look for people to plank only to cry when he finds out I’ve already planked them.

Icey was there, and I liked the look of the colors she was wearing on her. I don’t normally like the harem look but the outfit suited her. Shame she fell asleep on guns as soon as we got in though. We had another gunner that jumped ship right off. We got a little damage and there were jobbers crying about being doomed, but the damage went down quickly and proved not to be a problem at that point.

I didn’t have too much trouble getting jobbers to work and stay working. There were a few in the beginning that thought they might get away with it. I guess they thought I’d give them a bunch of chances and yell a lot. I did warn a few times. One had said he would be right back right before we went in so I didn’t think much of, then as soon as we got in he said he had to go to the bathroom. When I demanded he come out and work, he pretended to be looking for a station, but that didn’t fool me for long. I also like to do rounds to look for sleepers, so if you job with me, beware and follow my rules or ye be shark bait. Hmm, I could use a mounted shark on my wall.
Swim ye shall

In the end we sank. Not sure what did us in, probably a combination of losing our gunners, mixed with so many jobbers having jumped overboard. My job was to yell, so you’d have to ask Tikao the ins and outs of what sank us. But we were done with the ship and gave her back to the Royal Pillagers.
sinkingfull damageYe can have her back now

Then I went out with my flag mates, Unscrupulous Rumrunners. Ltjock was getting some battle navigation practice in and he claims he didn’t do so well, but he did better than I could have.
mates on deck

During the voyage Ellie decided to announce she was on a ‘pilly.’ I took it to mean she was on a pillage, but maybe she was trying to tell us something else about herself? I take a pilly everyday, but I call it a vitamin.
pilly or pillage?