Monday, March 16, 2009

Rhoaleper's Joke

I did pretty much nothing again all day. I just stayed in my house, well in Tikao’s house.

Rhoaleper says, "By the way Ara I've a joke for you."
Rhoaleper says, "There was a pirate captain, who was known among his crew for his bravery."
Rhoaleper says, "Every time he went into battle, he would say to the crew "Get me my red shirt!""
Rhoaleper says, "This is so that if he was wounded in battle, it wouldn't show to the enemy."
Rhoaleper says, "Anyway it became his catchphrase, such that the crew would wait for him to shout it when they got into battle."
Rhoaleper says, "So they were sailing once, when suddenly they were attacked by none other than Bluebeard the pirate, the most feared pirate of the seven seas."
Rhoaleper says, "They were completely outclassed, and got shot up badly. Then the enemy ship grappled."
Rhoaleper says, "The crew waited for the captain's catchphrase."
Rhoaleper says, ""Get me..."
Rhoaleper says, ""... my brown pants.""
Arachne laughs
Rhoaleper says, "XD"



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