Then I went to the bank and stood behind the counter dreaming of a day when I might own the bank for more than just a week at a time. I’ve posted about it on my flag forums and everything, that I really just want the bank. I care nothing for being governor.

But then Tikao told me Captain Corn also wanted the bank and I’d have to fight him for it. So I tried that. He wasn’t willing to budge. It seems I’m not the only one with a great love for completely random buildings. I need it to be my counting house on the island, because I have no where to keep my money. Since there are no shacks on Windward Vale my only other option is to sail Sea Web all the way from Tigerleaf Mountain to Windward Vale and use her as my counting house.

Phae ran by us shortly after our fight and so Corn lost all the fight that was him and spent many of the next hours curled up in a ball weeping piteously.

I decided to randomly give out some love advice to my fellow flag officers and it was during this time that Flood admitted that one of the reasons he’s so coy is that he wanted a token of my affection. Rings are too expensive, so he’ll have to settle for something else. It was at that moment I decided I needed to certify our union, which is all a ring is for anyway, so I hunted down a scribe and had a certificate of authenticity drawn up.

I jobbed with the Bootleg Bandits but they were in battle when I joined them, so I had to stand on the shore and yell out random things to entertain myself. Many thanks to Rohanl who laughed at me. It’s not as fun being crazy if people don’t point and laugh.

At one point during this voyage we went past an island but didn’t stop. A little jobber kept going on and on about how we were going to lose and should have ported. I kept telling this jobber we were not going to lose, but he just wouldn’t listen. I had to get rough with him. Of course we won. So many thanks to all who were there for not making me a liar. ♥

After telling Ribka I thought she was awesome, I hunted down Flood and stood next to him all intimidating like. He likes it when I do that. He even told me where he was fleeing to so I could stalk him there. Such well behaved prey.

We went to his shop so I couldn’t resist pointing out that I’d bought my wedding dress and it was on order. It’ll be ready in a couple of days. He decided to pretend to have forgotten we were getting married again. He did that a lot the last few times we were married. Never forgot we were divorced though.

I told him I needed a bigger house, but really I don’t expect him to spend that kind of money. I’m a simple girl with already a nice collection of houses.

He pretended to not be paying attention to me anyway and beat up on some poor greenie who stepped in. Greenie just wanted to go shopping.

I left to go pick up the certificate I had made and stopped to show Tikao before taking it back to the shop to give to Flood. He read over it very carefully as if hunting the fine print, but in the end he accepted the token of my affection and the symbol of authenticity for our union. Among pirates that’s as good as any binding contract.

Just to make sure he understood, Queen Tikao came and decreed the engagement official and binding. He pretended not to listen again by stabbing the greenie. Poor greenie.

Then we hung out and dressed up in silly clothing combinations. At least he didn’t plank us all from his shop.

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