Saturday, March 28, 2009

Pirate Impersonator

The Bootleg Bandits were out on a voyage and I wanted to join them, only problem was they were already in battle. I waited, and waited, and waited until they finally came to get me. I don’t wait well.

The voyage was mostly over by the time I got there and I only got to help out in a couple of battles. I demanded to stay out longer, but Ribka had the funny impression she was running the pillage and I couldn’t tell her what to do.

So I hung around on deck a little after the pillage, as I often do.

Everyone started loading to go into a flotilla and I was tired so I headed home. While on the docks of Windward Vale a little alt came up to speak to me. I’m allergic to alts, but I stopped to speak back. He asked to join our crew and was having a hard time taking no for an answer. He keep telling me he was a big shot over on Sage. I jobbed him into our crew so the others could see what he was saying too, but even by the time I’d jobbed him I knew he didn’t stand a chance of getting in, and not only because we don’t job strange little alts off the docks.

He claimed he was a pirate on Sage called Narokisses, which I said was a bad name. The question that came to my head was wanting to know who Naro was and what he kissed. Tikao and myself both had informants over on Sage (alts logged in) that we were conferring with to check this little alt’s story. She told him he didn’t exist, so he told her she was wrong. I asked if he spelled his name wrong so he said he’d go check. He came back after a little while and suddenly changed his story. He wasn’t Narokisses from Rulers of Sage, he claimed he now was Narkissos from Spirit Wolves. Most pirates remember their own names, especially when they have decent stats like Narkissos. So I asked the little alt to go log into Narkissos to prove it was him and he ran.

So then my little informant over on Sage, who was Moonshade, decided to warn the captain of Spirit Wolves that she had someone trying to impersonate Narkissos. A very protective girlfriend got into a conversation with Moonshade as well, as first thinking it was Moonshade who was up to no good.

By the time I thought to report the guy the conversation involving him had scrolled away from the little chat log segment that the OM would have seen. All the OM would have seen was Bayne cussing, so I didn’t report Squirly for his impersonation of another pirate, which is in fact against the ToS of Puzzle Pirates. Yes, I’m a nerd and read them.


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