So I boarded the ship and asked to permission to do so. In that order.
Most the trip was uneventful and the jobbers were mostly well behaved. I did have a little troll come onboard at one point. He thought he could push my buttons. My heart is as cold and dark as the bottom of the sea, it’s a bit hard to push my buttons. Besides that, he picked the wrong topic. On that day I’d rather have been carping than XOing. In fact he logged so I couldn’t keep playing his game, which I was winning. Trolls hate it when you turn their own game against them. At any rate, I requested of my crew that he be muted and never jobbed again.
Maniac has been invited to job for 'Dark Horizon'.
Maniac has taken a job with 'Dark Horizon'.
Maniac has come aboard.
Arachne shouts, "could I have a couple of mates from bilge move to sails please?"
Arachne shouts, "We are in battle, there should be no lazers. All lazers will be planked without mercy."
Tikao abandoned a Gunning station.
You have ordered Maniac to do some Sailing.
Maniac says, "arachne"
Maniac says, "why dont u station?"
Arachne says, "I'm XO, that is my station."
Maniac says, "XO on a brig"
Maniac says, "more like lazer"
Arachne forced Maniac to walk the plank.
Maniac has left the vessel.
Smiling Yang has come aboard.
Maniac tells ye, "reason u laze is cause u cant do anything cause u suck =]"
Ye told Maniac, "It’s not my choice, sometimes it's better to know what you're talking about or stay silent rather than look like an idiot."
Maniac tells ye, "look like an idiot"
Maniac tells ye, "there is no need for an xo"
Maniac tells ye, "in a regular pillage"
Ye told Maniac, "take it up with my captain if you don't like teh way she runs her crew."
Maniac tells ye, "last i checked"
Maniac tells ye, "a HE was running the pillage"
Maniac tells ye, "greenie"
Ye told Maniac, "a SHE is captain, moron"
Maniac tells ye, "in the crew"
Maniac tells ye, "im talking on ship"
Maniac tells ye, "retard"
Ye told Maniac, "aye, and who do you think my orders come from? The little man in your pocket?"
Maniac tells ye, "no"
Maniac tells ye, "from yer lazy mind"
Ye told Maniac, "yer just a dumb troll, but being a troll works better when you know what you're talking about."
Maniac tells ye, "yea u just suck at puzzle pirates sit down and eat twinkies all day cause u cant get out of yer room"
Could not tell Maniac: {1} "Could not tell Maniac: That user is not online."
He didn’t dampen my mood any so the voyage continued onward. Raven joined us, which was good, because I was getting tired of heard Dai whimper like a lost and lonely little puppy.
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