Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!
(Even though you’re reading this the next day.) I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and got lots of booty. I don’t really have much to write up for Christmas Day, because I was a bit too busy to be out and a bout too much.

I started the day hanging out with my crew and then we noticed a skelly mission. I stopped by my manor and grabbed some rags and then went off to fight skellies for the first time on this ocean. Sullylane didn’t bring junk with her though and all she had on her was the white on white corset my wife, Zenobie, gave her for Christmas. We all lost the first fight and the skellies took that from her. Neither Sully nor I were quick enough to jump into the second fight, but it was won and the three of us –Crono was there too- checked the list to see who got her corset. It was Pompom. Pompom joined our little circle and we all greeted her. Sully tried to buy back the corset, but if I’m not mistaken, Pompom gave it back to her for free and wished us all a Merry Christmas. You’re awesome Pompom, thanks.

Pompom with Crono, Sullylane, and Ramina

Later in the day Loki made a comment about the crowd over on the Tigerleaf docks so I went there to see what was going on. Maybe it’s my lack of OM envy, but I didn’t even see him, Luckysun, standing there for the longest time, I was too caught up with thoughts of stalking Loki and Arrgaretha who was also there. OMs are people too, just like the rest of us, they just have more responsibility and thus work more than they play. While the rest of us are out getting booty, they’re listening to the complaints and cries of the pirates. I appreciate all they do, but don’t really like to bug them, so I avoid them. OMs are not on my stalking list. The OM went to the inn and the crowd followed. I went to my cabin to check on some things, but then Loki said they had two more openings in the match. I went to the inn, but the openings were not on the same team as Loki, and I don’t have a death wish. I laughed at him for thinking I’d pick the side that he was against, even if Arrgy (stole the pet name from someone in her crew that cried it out to her during the match, think it was Possidon.) and Luckysun were on that side.

People crowd around Luckysun on the docks, making stalking impossible for Rami there

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingThen I went over to Slayergurl’s place because my wife was there and we did some cuddling, some snuggling, some huggling, and oddly enough a lot of talking. My big brother Merucutio stopped by as well, and Onnika as well. Mer asked how we made as much money as we all do and we just told him we go on good pillages. I said I’d invite him the next time our crew went out and it wasn’t long after that Jolyma said she wanted to start a pillage.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingAs mentioned above, I went out with Brethren of the Coast with Jolyma at the helm. She kept saying she was Rusty, but I still call her Joly. We did well for a short pillage and I’m sure Mer will want to go out with us again in the future. We even got kraken’s blood. We ported after the blood and I’m not sure if they went out again after that or not, cause Joly said she could stay out as long as there were people wanting to be out, but I got sea sick again and had to head back to my manor. I ended up going to bed and thus the pillage ended my Christmas day. Not bad to end the day by winning kraken’s blood with hearties though.

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