Friday, March 14, 2008

Tongue Hacking [Ara]

I started the day off with a trip to Atlantis, which seems to be a new habit of mine. I was only there for one round so I didn’t get anything, but my fellow Dark Horizon officer, Justy got some stuff. I probably won’t job with this crew again. They jobbed for just one more round, which wasn’t enough to get anything and then jobbed all the way back to the port without battling or anything and they had enough mates to get them back.
Justy got clothesMoonlit

the crew is too quite

I joined a tournament that was best two out of three and double elimination just because it had 200,000 up as the prize. I didn’t pay attention to how many pirates they needed for it though.
tourney prank

So then I hoped on Believable Hammerhead for a crew pillage. Tikao duty naved, Lawson battle naved, and I XOed.
PTB H... grante...
Tikao dutynaving
ship battle
crew voyage

We did pretty good and I was more than happy with the number of pieces of eight I got when it was over.
battles won and lostkraken’s blood

I also found Jolyma fooling around and asked her if Jon knew, but she said they had full disclosure.
Joly is fooling around

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:08 AM

    The cough syrup was better than the fooling around.
