Monday, March 03, 2008

In Need of New Pet Greenie [Ara]

I started the day helping out my friends Rover, Ruin and Anchovia over in - Poseidon's Wrath -. I think Rover has forgotten me, ‘cause he never responds to my witty banter, but I might forgive him. I couldn’t stay long, but Ruin knew that when I joined them. In fact I only helped get them from port to the flotilla, then I had to go.
Rover and Ruin

After returning to a point I could voyage again I went out with Chaosdaddy and Odin’s Demise for a sinking flotilla attack.
Sinking the enemy

Can I have a pet greenie?
Run, greenies, run!

Then I was sitting in my house and Piratepinky came in. The day before she joined Dark Horizon and I thought I was going to take her in and teach her things. She seemed like a greenie and had asked for a little poe, so I gave her 100. That’s just pocket change to me anyway. Last night she wouldn’t leave Tikao alone and kept asking her for money or stuff as well. That highly annoyed me. She left our crew after she didn’t get anything and joined another. No doubt to get free stuff from them. I removed her from my hearty list and when asked I told her I did it because she was a scammer and a crew hopper. She denied that and told me how sorry she was. So while I’m sitting in my cabin she stops by and is trying to be friendly. But she start going through my stuff and asking me for things even though I’m telling her I have no handouts or anything I don’t want. I had to plank her from my house. Since then I’ve already seen her switch through a couple of other crews.
greedy little pirate

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