I jobbed off the notice board, which is something I don’t normally do, but I saw names I recognized and thought, “Why not?” Turns out the trip was a PvP, which I don’t mind, but our prey got away. I don’t get invited to enough PvPs in my opinion, however.

When the voyage was over I found myself on Lima. I promptly ran and hid behind a tree. While there I met another pirate who also had been jobbing like me and was now hiding from the chaotic masses of Lima. I swear, pirates there will eat your soul if you let them.

The pirate hiding behind the tree was Captain Smellysmell of Rolling Thunder.

I then saw Anchovia and had to rush to her, despite the dangers of the masses. She ran off right about the time I got there.

Antix was practicing his stealth, and I thought that was very unpirate of him and told him so. Don’t tell him I’d just been practicing mine as well and was hiding in the trees.