Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Store Treasures

We went on a pleasure cruise with my crew, but we kept getting attacked so it ended up being a pillage. Or maybe it was to begin with? I was told it was just for pleasure though and I know Joly wouldn’t trick me into going on a pillage. I forgot to take my medication that day though so I may not have even gone on a cruise. Hmmm?
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I went to the blacksmith shop and yelled at Loki for not having any orders for me to fill. People really should keep orders in their stalls for when I feel like working. Doesn’t happen often, but when I feel the urge I expect to be able to work. Loki piled furniture up around me and trapped me though. He’s so mean. All I have to do is wait for the poker table to catch on fire. Who puts a poker table right up against the forge?
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I dock tarted with Narelei again. We do that a lot. Narelei likes to practice her sword fighting, as does her mother. I don’t dock tart for that anymore though cause I’d get too many random friend invitation from people not really wanting to be my friend and not enough sword fighting challenges.
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketNarelei thinks she has to wear rich clothes, poor kid still doesn’t understand what’s important in life, but she’s got many years ahead of her and I’m still hoping she’ll come around. Every pirate likes to horde treasure, but some treasure can not so easily be counted. Wouldn’t that then be the truly priceless type of treasure?

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