I started the day off with my big brother Merucutio stopping by my manor. I was running around, planning for my party when he came in and he started running around the manor too. Then he was off on his way to take care of whatever it was that had brought him to Onyx to begin with.
I had bought a parlor badge and today figured I should put it to some use. I’ve been spending a lot of time practicing my sword fighting anyway, might as well practice in a tournament. I only entered two, and didn’t do well in either. One of the people I was up against was Ladadida, whom I know I have licked before. She either didn’t realize who she was fighting, or just doesn’t remember me. Or maybe it’s because she beat me and was too busy getting ready for her next fight to talk to me? Yeah, we’ll go with that last one.
Jolyma decided we needed to have some fun in the event blockade on Tigerleaf Mountain, so we tried that out. Mostly is seemed we were just sailing around out there by ourselves. Wasn’t much opposition to shoot at. There was a party of some sort at Loki’s villa right before that, but I got to the party as everyone was leaving and thus have no idea what it was for.
After the event blockade I went back to the manor after stopping by the furni place to pick up a few things. My wife, Zenobie, came looking for me at the manor so we cuddled a bit before bed. She had been drinking and thus had smelly breath, but she sure filled out her black corset well.
But as I was heading to bed, Eyeore cried out that we should all give Aphrodite one piece of eight to wish her Happy New Year. Without thinking, I did so. Then I realized that was an OM type name and did a /who to only confirm my suspicion. Eyeore had tricked me into spamming an OM. Shame on you, Eyeore!
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