I started the day off with a visit from Merucutio at my manor. He said something that I found to be kinda odd. He voiced surprise that I was at the manor alone, but I’m often alone if I’m not on a pillage. Isn’t everyone? But still I find it very nice that he can be surrounded by people so often that he needs to ask as if it’s a surprise. After he left Prettystar stopped by and made a little tourney so I joined it. It was just for fun.
After the pillage (see below) I was invited by Zenobie to go to Loki’s villa. She really likes his villa, maybe I should buy her one. Not sure I can afford that though, maybe in the future for an anniversary gift. While there Evilclown called out in fo chat if anyone needed a slave. This I think is his typical way of asking to be jobbed, but he received some interesting replies and then Slayer brought him to the villa to give him to me as a slave. He showed up with no shirt and a skirt on. Then we went on another pillage.
My first pillage of the day came when Arrhg called out to be replaced on a sloop pillage. I accepted and went onboard. The pillage was with Sick as a Parrot with Reble at the helm. Lani was there too, so there was licking all around.
My second pillage was with my own crew with my own wife at the helm. Evilclown came too, since he was already our slave. There were traces of Narnia all over the ship and the water around us, or at least that’s what my flaggies call the darkness. I think it’s the Void though.
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