Sunday, January 14, 2007

Slayer Lives in a Shack

Not much happened today. Though before I could step out of me house and see what was going on in the world (before I logged on) I heard a rumor that Zenobie was trying to bribe all the flag officers of Imperial Coalition into telling her what I’m getting her for her wedding gift. Naughty, Zen!

(I had images for the above mentioned bribes, but they wouldn't fit, sorry.)

I spent the later part of the day slumming it at Slayer’s shack. Others were there too and it strikes me a little odd we started hanging out in shacks lately. What’s all our big fancy houses for if we like shacks so much?

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Shacks are cozy, intimate places for gatherings with close frineds. Big fancy houses are to show off to other people how much you have!
