Taserbaby shouts, "Can we have everyone fill sails please"
Ramina says, "I'll fill your sails, Taser."
Ramina winks
Taserbaby says, "Please do ;)"
Taserbaby says, "hehe"
I played several battles on that pillage and then went to Loki’s villa at the call of my hearties. A few of us stood around chatting and challenged each other to various puzzles. Cloudpuppy even came and joined in the fun.
After a brief time of doing nothing (was at class for three hours,) I went on a Midnight Aurora pillage. It was kind of strange, I heard Rato yell out about it to the whole flag and told my big sis to job me, but while I was waiting for them to get out of battle, Rato stalked me in my own house. I really don’t mind. I’d have stalked him first but I thought he was on the ship. I only had time for one battle with them however before I had to go onto other things. (I had a Bible study to attend.)
When I came back the second time I noticed Pay for Play was having some anniversary tourneys. Congrats on your two year anniversary P4P.
I didn’t join in on those tourneys cause I was planning to sleep sooner then they’d end (didn’t work out that way.) I did however, roam around the sword table looking for people to duel. I just wanted fun so I’d duel rated or unrated as long as they weren’t for money. Slayergurl also joined in on that fun and we did a couple of team battles. One where I was against her and my partner timed out. I didn’t last long after that. I was at my house during all that but I decided to stalk Slayer. When I got to Loki’s villa I’d found that Lord Luci had also stalked slayer so I challenged him for the right to stalk her and won. I am Slayergurl’s stalker now.
Zenobie ended up joining us there and there was more random fun of challenging each other to be had. I left briefly to go stalk Jolyma, but found her busy in a tournament and so went back to the villa to double stalk Slayer and Zen. . . .and Luci too I guess. While there I beat Slayergurl twice as sword fighting. That might not seem like a feat to some of you, but it’s a pretty big one for me. Never been able to beat her before at that puzzle. Then I stalked Zen onto the poker tables. Aznpride came to that same table so I continued from my party crashing the other night and pretended to know him. After all he’s got a birthday card from me, how’s he to know I don’t know him? It’s fun to talk to strangers like they’re old friends and then have them afraid to tell you they don’t remember you and play along.
Then I went to sleep.
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