Saturday, March 24, 2007

Furni Fetish

I started the day by asking all the flag officers if anyone of them needed me. I had looked to see who was jobbing and a few crews where, but just because they’re jobbing doesn’t mean they’re pillaging. Sometimes you job just to hang out. Or your jobbers just haven’t left, but at any rate, it was Bigmc who answered my call. So I went on a pillage with Midnight Aurora, but I did it as my alter ego Kreselda. I had noticed her stats needed improving in everything other than sails, but then forgot that was the reason I got on her and ended up sailing.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketI was then invited by Ms. Rambonette to another Squid Squad birthday party similar to the one I’d crashed just a few nights ago. This time it was Silentblade’s birthday. I’m pretty sure I’ve run across him before though details always get fuzzy if I didn’t take pics. Maybe I should lay off the rum. I again bought a birthday card and pretended I belong. Those people really love to throw parties. I didn’t notice until after he left that Silentblade tried to add me to his hearty list. Sorry, Blade.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketAfter the party (and losing another tourney. . . why do I enter?) I heard there was someone dressed like Slayer at Feline Furnishers. And I was out buying furni anyway so I went there to look. Turns out she wasn’t only dressed the same but had the same skin tone and hair color. The only difference was Slayer had her hair pulled back and the other chick didn’t. Crap came too to see and then Lizzy showed up and so Crap and I started pointing out things she was running low on. We like being helpful ya know. I ended up ordering eleven furniture items, and I still haven’t even completed my game table collection.

Maybe I should stop buying furni and save up for a bigger house? It is getting hard finding places to put things and late at night when I’m walking around in the dark I stump my toe a lot. It’s hard to sleep in a newly empty bed. Maybe I should get a cat too.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketMuch later in the day I went on a War Brig pillage with my own crew, the awesome Brethren of the Coast. I changed for the pillage, feeling like it was time to put on a different outfit. That last one was starting to smell of sea salt, rum, and drunk Slayer. Though don’t ask for details on that last one.

I chased Angel around deck a bit, not because I want to stalk him, but because I think it’s funny when he runs.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketI have to point out how well Slayer was doing on the pillage because I said I would and she likes it when I’m ‘mean.’ Of course I’ll never point out if one of my own crewmates gets a fine on a puzzle (or worse,) but then Slayer isn’t in my crew anymore so it’s alright. We did tell her to put the rum down and use both hands if she wanted to do better.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketAfter the pilly I went to Slayergurl’s townhouse with Slayer, Loki, and Zen for our typical late night fun. Cloudpuppy joined us there as well. I lost another tourney, made Slayer mad, and then went back home to sleep.

Random pic of the Day

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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