I think I’m getting worse about remember the day’s events to put down in my log and I’m out of the habit of taking enough screen shots to remind myself. If I miss anything fun we did, just make a comment.
First Stalking:I began my stalking by hunting down Fossaman and standing intimidatingly close to him. Then he ran and jumped on a ship to get away. . . coward.

I then found myself in an inn somewhere at the sword tables. I was probably stalking someone to the inn, but can’t remember who. At any rate, Crapulance found me on the tables after I’d joined to fight two others and so it was me and her against the strangers. We won of course. IC girls rock! Since she stalked me to the game tables, I stalked her back to her house, where I watched her sleep. Nothing creepy about that.
Event Blockade:I went to Tigerleaf to get ready to join in on the event blockade but was distracted by all the people there to fight skellies. So much prey in one place. . . But then I hopped on Jolyma’s ship to get ready to sail for her. It must have been the wrong ship, because it was the only one to get knocked out. Joly will claim it was because she was distracted telling Zen something helpful to tell to Ras, but I don’t know. At any rate Moggle thought it was fun and laughed every time Joly cried out at being shot by him. It’s okay, Moggle, I laugh when I’m shooting people too.
Needless to day IC won the event blockade. Even if others had joined in, we’d have won anyway. We just wouldn’t have been shooting at each other. Pay was 75 a round, but I had wanted them to set pay to 69. I think it’s a much better number. I guess I should have used my stalker voice to get my way on that one.
After the event blockade we went to Loki’s villa on Tigerleaf for a little more flag fun. I’d promised to start stalking Runningbare and so at the party I followed him around a lot. Only smacked his booty once though. I also danced with Ras and entered two tourneys at once. I thought the first one I entered would take longer and the second smaller one would be over in time, but it wasn’t and as a result I lost both. I had fun. I love hanging out with my flaggies.
I pillaged on a WB with my own crew, Brethren of the Coast. They tried to claim I was distracting them by talking, but I think that’s just a silly excuse. Since when has talking distracted anyone? I’d like to point out though how well Zen was doing on the pillage, ‘cause I said I would and I have to be true to my word or what kind of pirate am I? Well, the typical lying kind, but I’m more the honest type. Honestly, I’m an honest stalker.
Second Stalking:

During the pillage I noticed Jlyons and remembered how much fun I’ve had stalking him before so I promised to stalk him when we ported. Angel told him to run, but I’m pretty sure I heard Jlyons respond that he liked it. You know you all do. When we ported though I only chased him around a little bit, then forgot to follow him off the ship. But this time I’d grown tired and had to retire to my manor for sleep.
I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so happy that Rami is back. Yay!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Joly. It's so good to hear that. You have no idea what it means to me.