Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dead Girl Pillaging - Rami

Ara and Tikao at the docks

A little birdy went to Arachne with a message from Ms. Bigredone that said the Bootleg Bandtis were about to pillage. Arachne didn't feel like going on a pillage so she sent me -Ramina- instead. Being the necromancer that killed me she has this strange affect over me sometimes.

It was a nice pillage, and a normal one with the Bandits with Fal saying strange things and Khoney telling everyone how much she loved us. I couldn't help but return the gesture. In both strangely said things and hearts sent to Khoney. The Bandits are always a joy to go out with, if you haven't done it, you should.

I started to get a little bored during the pillage, so I asked Fal to sing me a song. He sang a nice little pirate ditty about shooting up the enemy. Thanks, Fal.
Fal sings a song

After the pillage, I found Tikao. It wasn't hard, I'd been sailing on the poop deck and she's been loading guns there. I of course found her staring at the large pile of gold spilling out on deck. I stood with her and stared a bit myself.
Rami and Tik admire the gold

Then she decided we needed to fill our purses, and our skirts, and our corsets. Not that the corset can hold much more, but ever little coin helps.
Rami and Tik take more than their share

We got found out. Maybe it was because Khoney, Falbard, and Scxy were still on board the boat. Or maybe it was all the extra jingling and weight apparent weight gain when we tried to disembark. I think the little trail of gold spilling out after Tikao told me to run and I did so only helped to make me look guilty. You should never trust a pirate.
Tik and Rami run

I sent my room mate, Kehle, to Ms. Big to distract her from the chase. I told her to go talk about something piratey like masts, but I think they talked more about masks. That Kehle is a strange one, she fits right in with those Bandits.
Kehle stalks Msbigredone
Kehle stares at Msbigredone

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