Saturday, May 22, 2010

Best Station - Ara

Arachne says these things

I started off the evening by joining the Bootleg Bandits on a pillage. One might think I should join that crew as much as I job with them, but they have this crew member I really can't stand, Kehle. She just rubs me the wrong way. Thankfully she's never around when I am.

Anyway, back to my story. I hopped on sails when I got on because I felt like a little change from carp. That didn't last the entire voyage, as I get tired of sails a lot sooner. I noticed though when someone asked where he should go, Falbard told him to go to his best station. I was not on my best station, and asked if I would get a spanking, but they didn't want to reward me for that.
best station

Unfortunately, sails was his best station and it didn't take him long to start doing better than me on every duty report. I requested he be planked, but my request was met only with laughter.
plank him, he's better than me

I noticed in the crew chat of Bootleg Bandits, Ms. Big was greeting several of her mates so I enthusiastically requested to be among those greeted. Whiteish promptly greeted me back, so props to her on her speed of doing as I ask. Though I get the feeling she just wanted to shut me up and found me annoying. I get a lot of things that way.
greet me greet me

After my trip with the Bandits was over I decided to try and job on Captain Flood's sloop. A little bird had brought to me a note that he was going, but I was in another voyage and didn't take the offer right away. So when I was done on my other voyage I demanded my husband let me on his boat. He played hard to get.
Flood won't let Ara on
Ara is not a wee lass

He of course gave in and let me come. And we got lost during battle.
pull over and ask for directions

The enemy was so afraid of us that they ran rather than telling us how to find our way again. I was very disappointed about the lack of violence.
where's my violence?

We stopped to dig up some treasure on some island. Funny how many brigands bury their treasure, we real pirates just spend it all and then go out for some more.
foraging for treasure

On our way back to port, Flood let Tikao take the helm a bit. That was a mistake. She doesn't know how to drive.
Tik booches nav

crew on deck

I ended the night with some friendly advice from Flood.
Flood suggest chewing with your mouth closed.

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