Sunday, November 14, 2010

Why is the Rum Gone?


I helped move a ship full of wood across the ocean for Lapislaz, queen of Sea Change. My captain, Seavagrant, was also there and seeing strange things in the ocean. He kept claiming he saw a trinkos. I told him it was an affect of too much rum and that he should have some more. So he drank it all.
But why is the rum gone?

We ran into trouble and lost some wood, but we only found trouble once that we couldn't run from, so it was a pretty good run. Despite Seavagrant drinking all the rum.

Tikao is an Old Maid


I stalked Tikao to an inn where I kept trying to challenge her to fight me, but she kept picking rumble fights with others instead. Then Lord Luci stalked us there as well and Tikao said she was going to eat that Lord Luci needed to fight for her. I told her it was not becoming for a pirate queen to need a champion and refused to fight him. Mostly because he'd win, even with a stick. But I didn't get mad and call her names. I'd never do such a thing.


To distract me, Tikao ordered Lord Luci to lead a pillage, which he did. At the end of said pillage, we caught ourselves a new crew mate, Pelos. Pelos rocked and was good at teaming. I smell an alt. But I like him so far anyway, and he stuck with us even after losing two battles, though one doesn't really count as it was against Azabard.


Monday, November 08, 2010

But You Can't Lose at Rumble?

Pirate Log: sea date 08.11.10

When greeting a bunch of sassy, cheeky pirates it might be best not to refer to them as, "a bunch of others." They won't really be offended, but the will sure call you out on it.
Izobel greets Seav and a bunch of others

The Pillage
I went on a pillage with my own crew with Seavagrant at the helm of his inferno sloop.

When entering a sword fight, Seavagrant had told us to stall. I did at first, but then I realized it was going to be an easy fight and stopped stalling. I'm not sure any of us were even knocked out of the fight and we did in fact win. I did not tell him that I didn't stall. Infernodragn also did not inform anyone of any lack of stalling. As far as Seavagrant knows, we all followed orders and stalled and that's why we won.

There is a battle we lost and it left several of us questioning our believes and our faith in the universe. The last ship of the night we attacked were barbarians and we actually lost against them. I did not think it was possible to lose at rumble at sea. Disillusioned with the world and the way of things we ported and all went our separate ways to go cry it off.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Not Fighting With Tikao

Pirate Log: sea date 07.11.10

Pillage One

I took a job with the Royal Pillagers which had Dunkhan at the helm of a large ship. There was very little madness or randomness on board and so the voyage was rather on the boring side. Tikao put her fish on her head to try and amuse me and that did work for a short time.

Tikao also demanded a present for getting her Fifth Order of the Jolly Roger, but as she did not give me a present for such a thing last month, I did not get her one this month.

Tikao was not the only pirate on the ship who had strange things on her head.

My own crew tried to distract me with talk of cookies, and hiding said cookies. We discovered that Gravee is not very good at hiding things from fellow flag mates. The flag hall does not make a good hiding place.

On Shore

After the pillage on the large ship which paid out as well as expected, which is to say almost nothing, I stood around on the shore of Tigerleaf a bit with Tikao, Captainflood, and Dunkhan.

They talked about how the island was run by a brigand king and how someone should take it. I suggested they take it, but they all started making excuses about how lazy there were. I did the pirate thing to do and called them, “a bunch of soft landlubbers.”

Pillage Two
Fleeing the shore of Tigerleaf and the anger royals and monarch of Brink of Dawn I decided to hide out on my crew's own ship. Seavagrant was behind the helm of his inferno ship. When I arrived I noticed no one had the carp station so I took it, but as soon as I did a jobber asked for it. She cried thinking I wasn't going to give it her, but on most days I enjoy to sail as much as I enjoy to carp.

Seavagrant had a bit of bad luck on the ocean. Happens to everyone ever now and again. He just told us to fight harder, and so we did. Of course we won.

After winning that tough fight, we took kraken blood from the other ship. I asked if I could bathe in it, but Seavagrant gave me his typical answer of, “maybe later.” That is starting to become a habit with him.


One of the jobbers lamented about his lack of a good duty report on bilge, but Vagrant told him it was fine so long as the bilge was kept empty. Gravee asked him if it was okay for her to keep the guns empty, but he said it was not. Then I asked if it was okay for me to keep the sails empty, but he said it was not. I told him he shouldn't be so disagreeable and that if he didn't keep us in cookies we'd mutiny, but he was sure I'd be alone in my mutiny attempts. I'm not really one for a mutiny anyway, -unless it's the crew Mutiny, they're full of madness and fun.

Seavagrant ordered me off sails and onto carpantry, but when I went to my favorite station to take it over Tikao, the captain of Dark Horizon and queen of Brink of Dawn was on my station. I stood there staring at it, but she still didn't move, so I shoved her off it. Seavagrant ordered us not to fight.

Doing the right thing as an officer in Poseidon's Wrath I followed my captain's orders of not fighting with Tikao. I did not throw things at her, blame her when things went wrong, or get into a whole conversation -that Tik didn't seem to notice- with Gravee and Seavagrant about how I wasn't fighting with Tikao. I did not put gum in her hair.

I did not point out when she booched her station.

When we ported I did not push, shove, or eye her in any malicious way because Seavagrant had told me not to fight with her.

Tikao however did not seem to get the memo and when I tried to bribe the jobbers to join the crew full time with cookies -which Vagrant offered them first- Tikao said I would not share because I was stingy. I tried to tell my captain she was picking a fight with me.

I did not wait to see what he'd say however and decided to take matters into my own hands. A good officer takes initiative. So I stabbed Tikao.

In a bit on randomness I informed those who were left on deck, which were Tiako, Seavagrant, myself, and our new crew member Colliemnm, that my large dead fish I carry to smack barbarians with matched out my dress. I did not pick a fight with Tikao by pointing out that her dead fish did not match her dress or that she'd worn it on her head in an earlier battle when jobbing for Dunkhan.

Red versus Blue

There was a lot of stabbing going around on the ship after that. Both my captain Seavagrant and the captain Tikao stabbed me twice.


Seavagrant ordered us to put on our makeup, which I thought was a very strange command, but I did as I was told. I even loaned Tikao some of my lipstick, but I accidentally dropped her mascara over board. It slipped. I was very sorry for it.

Then Tikao seemed to think I'd gone mad and asked why I was sailing in port. What a strange question to ask. The reason is so obvious, I won't insult anyone by repeating it here.

Colliemnm is a good new addition to the crew and decided that if I check sails she might need to check guns. Yep, they were full already. Good job, Colli

Mutiny Stalking


I tried to mutiny.

When that didn't work, I just stalked Tikao instead.