Thursday, November 04, 2010

Give Me Cookies!


I stalked my queen captain to find her sword fighting in her basement on Windward Vale. I thought if she wanted to fight, it might as well be against me. And I actually won this time, too.
Ara wins

After that Tik complained about a headache and went to bed. Was probably the gash in her side bothering her though. With no one left to stab I decided to join Seavagrant on his mango-fruit-salad-with-orange-slices ship.
Seavagrant on his brightly colored ship

I almost did well when we were digging for treasure. For a second the entire ocean was impressed with my skill. Then I guess they realized it was just the sun glinting off the treasure that made it seem like I was doing well and they got unimpressed just as quickly.
standing in foraging goes up then down

When we'd win, Seavagrant would give us cookies, but there was one time he was going to be greedy and hold out. Probably wanted them all to himself. That's a good way to get a ship to mutiny.
Ara demands cookies

After the pillage was over and the spoiled dived up I decided to linger on board and stare at Seavagrant.
Ara stares, Vagrant stares back

He took offense to the staring and stabbed me, hard.
Seavagrant wins

But then he felt bad for me and gave me cookies.
Seavagrant gives Ara birthday cookies

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