Tuesday, April 07, 2009


New things happening on the ocean.

I went on a pillage with the Bootleg Bandits. Falbard wanted to know if I wanted to go swimming, but I had to decline. I was busy sailing at the time. Someone should try to talk to him about distracting the jobbers with offers of fun activities. I’d never distract anyone.

Rohanl saw me go down in a sword fight, but I don’t like admitting I ever go down, so I keep swinging my sword from where I lay on the deck, which is normally in a pool of my blood. He seemed to like that, never really thought of it as a fighting spirit before, but it is true that I never give up. Even if I’m against 20 I keep fighting like I think I can win.

Along the way Diamond pointed out that we were lost and in need of a map. She should have known that Rohanl wouldn’t pull over and ask for directions. Men never ask.

Every time we grappled a ship I suggested he ask them where we are or how to get where we are going. He ended up trying to blame me, but I’m not the one that got us lost. He was driving.

Then he wanted us to let hell loose. If I did that I’d have to rekill everyone I’ve put there. And though that might be fun, it’d set me back a little. There’s still plenty of other people to gut.


After porting I decided it was time for a Love Shower, so I gave one. Funny how that works. Though there have been times I felt like a Love Shower and was unable to give one, like when I’m on duty in the middle of a voyage. However I missed Rhoaleper’s request in regards to Castor and he was the last to receive coin. I start with the flag, then do my hearties, then I get the OM on duty.

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