Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Boiled Corn

Arachne of Viridian:

I told everyone in flag officer chat that I was off my meds and couldn’t pillage with them. Bayne got a little concerned, so I had to explain to him that I’m not really crazy, I only act crazy. Most the rest of the flag knows by now not to take ninety percent of what I say seriously. Tik walked in on that conversation and ruined my reputation further by saying I’m just misunderstood. Thanks a lot, Tik.

Then Tik told us all to get on a sloop for a pillage. As soon as I stepped on deck a little pigeon carried a message over to me from Falbard that wanted to know if I could XO for him. I had to decline since I was already loading for a pillage. I may be a pirate, but I try not to go back on my word once it’s given. Though to protect my reputation, I tell everyone I’m first come first serve, sounds less honorable.

Icey was there with us all when Corn fell asleep on deck. We all tried to wake up him, except for Icey who felt sorry for him. She must not know him very well. When he woke up I told him Icey had been doing it all and we tried to stop her.

While underway Tik booched naving. We all saw it, and just in case anyone missed it, I’m telling you about it now.

Captainflood and Falbard both ended up joining us before the voyage was over, but Flood admits he wasn’t paying any attention to what he was doing. At one point I told Fal I was tired of the voyage and ready to XO for him, but he said that ship didn’t sail already.

Despite all the craziness Icey stayed with us the whole time. What a weirdo.

Randomness of the day

1 comment:

  1. Tikao1:24 PM

    Stop doctoring duty reports... I deny that there was any booching on my part! (Actually I didn't booch, just hit a league point right after I got on puzzle.... so there! :p)
