Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Corset Strings [Ara]

Got the night off to a good start with a little crew fun. Our crew loves each other a lot, but then that’s why we have things like pits of honey.
Ara is drunk. . . or is she?

I then went and helped Lawson and Tikao move a very large ship. We kept getting attacked which completely sucked, so we ported and Law told us to all go help Floody who was already out.
Ara touches Tik

So being the good girl I am, I went to go help Floody. By the time I got there however he was porting.
some mates

I stalked Floody around the deck a few times and he challenged me to rumble. I had a chain and he had a rope, so you know what kind of rumbling we were doing. I won the first round, but then he promptly beat me with little effort twice after that.
chains and ropesStalk FloodyAra distracts Floodychains are wierdchains suit AraFloody wins again!

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