The party was a little late. It was supposed to be on the first of the month, but dodging hurricanes and picking up after them had not only caused me to miss giving a September party, but had also thrown me off a little for the October party.
This is the invitation I posted on the flag forums for Brink of Dawn and on the Viridian Event forums. I forgot to also post it here like I normally do for these things.

The room started to fill a lot quicker than the last time. I guess people had so much fun at previous parties and didn’t want to miss out.

As we waiting for mates to pile in we got the kissing booth set up, this isn’t really a booth since I need to walk around from coffers to tournament boards and such. Some pirates wanted to get violent when they didn’t feel their kiss was coming quick enough.

Other mates paid me to kiss someone other than their self, which also resulted in the only kiss back of the night.

The first few tourneys were for smaller gold prizes. I started out with no object in the prize box, just about 2,000 piece of eight instead, but as the night went on cash and prizes got bigger.
Some of the other fun party events including what might have looked like a rumble between myself and another pirate, but I had chains and he had a rope. . . you know what we were really doing.

Other mates kept trying to take the drinks I was handing to others, so I handed her one of her own and pretending to be handing it to someone else to fool her into taking it. She was too drunk already to know the difference. I think she started in on the rum before the party. Probably couldn’t have found the house without a wisk.

After a couple of small tourneys and after we had a room full of mates I decided to do a game of I-Spy. I’d never done one at a party before but thought it could be some fun and indeed it was. It was more fun then expected and will probably be at the next party as well. My rules were I’d spy a color of something and the first person to say it and be the most accurate would win that round. For example if I were spying a certain piece of clothing on a pirate, that piece of clothing would be named. Though if it was the only thing of it’s kind, like the paint can under the portrait easel, then pointing out it’s location wasn’t really needed. One of the tricky things about having this game at a party is everyone must remain still or they might hide the object you’re spying when they move. The first person to win three rounds was declared the winner, and that person was Mellificent. She won an unstocked sloop docked at Carmine. The second place winner with two rounds won was Elliebug who received 1,000 poe.

After giving away the first sloop of the night, I thought it was time to party with Dawn. She was supposed to have left me at a previous party but mates left before I got around to giving her away. I learned then to keep the prizes and the money flowing as much as the rum or mates stumble out, so as soon as one game ended another started. Our own flag mate, Rhoaleper won Dawn. I’m sad to see her go, but at least she stays in the flag. I also trained her to hump everything and anything in sight, so he’s sure to have fun with her when he takes her on a voyage or has guests over.

I gained a friend, I gained two actually, Mellificent and Sir Lance. Mell had to leave, but Sir Lance made the mistake of falling asleep at me party. . . needless to say he woke up sore, and covered in honey.

When it came time to give away the second sloop of the night, which was stocked with 100 balls and 100 rum, I kinda messed up. Mates had asked for a rumble and I forgot and made it sword fight, and I also didn’t put it on local. I did remember to make it unrated however. All future tourneys will be unrated, our goal is fun and prizes, not standings at these parties. My own dropped a couple of times. Trukker rushed over to the ship and took the stock off of it though, which we’ll put on a ship for the next party. Though the party is open to all pirates on the ocean, ye kinda need to be present for the big prizes.

As the night dwindled down and it was nothing but flag mates and Sir Lance left we got into a philosophical conversation about flag mentality.

We had one more tourney in which I gave away a tree tapestry as first prize and a green flag tapestry as second prize. That green one looks really good in a game room by the way, goes nice with the poker table. I can’t remember who won the green one, but Floody got the tree tapestry. I’m sure it’ll look real nice and out of place in his bungalow.

Tikao thinks Floody just misses the mark sometimes when it comes to innuendos and such. But it was late, the party had been going on for three hours, maybe he was just drunk?

After a long night and a fun party mates left one by one to go hit their racks or whatever it was they needed to do. Funny thing is, Sir Lance was still sleeping in the middle of the floor when I went to bed. I guess I should have covered him, but I’d had too much rum to think of that at the time.