Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Aphrodite Rocks! [Ara]

I joined the flag Riddlemakers today in the crew of Dark Horizon. Guess my tradition of keeping it in IC is gone. Taking my cue from Rami, the first thing I did was spread the love by throwing pieces of eight at my new flaggies. Well, actually the first thing was Tikao giving me to Eyeore over flag officer chat, but I’m not an object to be given away. But anyway, some of the pirates took the money without comment, some demanded to know how they know me, and some just asked what it was for. I guess I should have explained before I held the love shower. It doesn’t have quiet the same meaning as Rami’s Love Showers for IC does yet, because hers are not just out of love, but appreciation for her flag. I don’t know most these people yet, so mine is just love. Eyeore mentioned the OMs in the love shower knowing that Rami used to include the OM on duty. OMs tend to be too busy to notice or respond, but I threw a piece of eight at Aphrodite anyway and received a smile in return.

I then went to the stall that Tikao and Lawson were hanging out in. Lawson tried to flirt with me a couple of times and each time I slapped him for getting fresh. In truth I don’t mind a little harmless flirting, I was just feeling violent.

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Eyeore said she was coming for me over flag officer chat, so I walked out of the stall and into the next stall I saw. I started making my way around the island in this manner while she was hunting me down. I would pause just long enough for her to get to the last place I was and do a /who on me, then I’d move on. It took her some time, but finally she caught up with me at Monlizzy’s apothecary stall. When I stepped out of the stall and into the lobby of the shop she was there, so I ran back in and hide in the crowd. Tholon, Cloudpuppy, and Seh were all there too.

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Having caught me, Eye took me back to Wacky’s place to tease me about Wackystar’s fruit stand of a bedroom with it’s neat, new furni. While there Eyeore had a bit too much rum and challenged me to a sword fight. I thought it’d be an easy win for her, but instead I beat her with my stick until she giggled. . . drunk people giggle a lot.

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Jalex Pays Child Support

I was jobbed into MA to protect Karanga from the evil men. I’m not sure why they were after her, but I stepped between them and her and waved my stick around at them. It was about that time I noticed Jalex was around. About the same time Tholon demanded allowance from him, I demanded child support. He sent me two poe and I thanked him, commenting it was more than Tholon was worth anyway. Tholon complained that I’d always given him three pieces of eight, so I guess Jalex sent him less, but then added onto it when Tholon said something. You shouldn’t give into Tholon though, he’s hard enough to control when he’s not getting what he wants.

I then put on my Alcaran disguise to go bug Tikao. They’re huge fans of my log and commented on Slashy accusing me of stealing. Johnkeelhaul said if I ever took anything of his he’d stab me with a wooden spoon. I stopped what I was eating, licked the spoon clean, and gave it back to him. He then tried to make good on his threat, so I hide behind Tikao. Lawsen was back there too so I shoved him out to go fight John for me after John stabbed Tikao with the spoon instead. She took care of it herself thought and kneelhauled Johnkeelhaul.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Taking Poe

The reason I haven’t been updating my log recently is that there hasn’t been anything that seemed big enough to tell the rest of the ocean about. Yesterday all that happened was I gave a love shower. There were some flaggies that had never been showered upon before and so I got tells from them asking what was wrong with me. Odd how the most common response to free money is suspicion and paranoia. I’d just take the poe and smile.

The day before that Slashy found Joly and I in Lizzy’s house and accused us of stealing. I of course denied it all and put the gold candlestick back. It seems though that the reason Joly bought me the veil was so we could go rob places. It’s a good thing I had it on and therefore Slashy won’t know it was me.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Ansel Blockade by Brigand Kings

It was a pretty rough day. The brigand kings were blockading Ansel, which belongs to us, Imperial Coalition. We gathered our hearties, our flaggies, and our allies to help us rise to the challenge. A little teamwork goes a long way. Thanks to all our friends and jobbers for helping us out.

I reported for XO duty right before the blockade, but missed out on the first round. I just didn’t receive orders to join a naver and join in. Afraid I was going to miss in on the fun I jumped on a ship that just happened to be naved by Nanino. But then while we were out I received orders from Joly to go XO for Lokiloki. I sent Nanino an apology, but am sure he understands. ( It was kinda funny though, I was on TS with the rest of them, but Joly was trying to send me a tell and I wasn’t seeing it. She commented she couldn’t get my attention and I replied, “Why don’t you just speak?” )

I feel that I worked seamlessly with Loki. There was that one time he ported for stock and I was trying to ask him if he wanted certain numbers but he feel asleep. Loki let me plank and yell as I pleased, which I like. That is why I’m there. But boy is it hard to keep people off treasure haul sometimes. When I was out with Loki we had a pretty good crew who’d get off treasure haul when asked, because I could always promise them some in the future, and they would get it. Knowing this they started to listen. My rule on that issue was just not while we could see enemies on the board. And I was keeping an eye on the damage and the like when I’d let them. Would hate to do dead in the water because no one is sailing. I didn’t test the theory, but someone had told me if you let them treasure haul too much you’ll run out of moves. Didn’t want that to happen, but still wanted the jobbers to have fun. The non-ally jobbers are there to treasure haul and sink. Don’t give them what they want, and they won’t come back.

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Well, we sank anyway and I’m still safe from all injuries. I had to take a break for awhile and when I came back I was asked to XO for Bagochips. He’s a more active naver and does a little of the XO job himself. The jobbers that time weren’t that great either. They wouldn’t get to work and wouldn’t stay off treasure haul. Maybe if I could have promised they’d get a chance latter it’d have been easier, but Bag didn’t want them treasure haul, and he was naving so I follow his commands.

After it was all over I saw Nemesis on the dock and I saw her head to the fort, but didn’t at first follow. I didn’t know if she wanted to be bothered, but then later someone said she was still there so I followed. When I got there she was giving one pirate to another pirate so I said I wanted one too. She gave me Pinoydog who was standing next to me. At the time he cheered, but then forgot and had to be reminded again later that Nemesis gave him to me. I asked for a better dressed pirate, but she said she keeps those all to herself. Greedy OMSs!

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketShe gave Tholon to Moggle too. When Tholon arrived I tried to tell him he was grounded for missing the blockade, but he wouldn’t listen. I tried to get Nemesis to give me Moggle, but instead she gave my son to Moggle. Poor Moggle was sleeping and was unable to defend himself from it. Nemesis even went so far as to say that Tholon is now Moggle’s problem. How does she know he’s a problem? Clever OM. Later Moggle woke up and something was said about it, and then he tried to deny Tholon, but Nemesis told him it was too late that her word was set in stone, or something like that. But it’s also backfired on me, when I tried to send Tholon to his room he tried to claim he wasn’t mine anymore. I informed him that he’s still my son, just Moggle’s problem. I even had to tell his father Jalex that he was misbehaving. But that deadbeat father never does anything.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketThey day was very long and full of all sorts of fun and excitement. And just before I went off to find my bed, my new boyfriend Bigmc came to say good night and hang out with me. To others it may have seemed like he panicked and ran to hide behind a cannon, but really he was going back there so we could have more privacy. I don’t know how many of you saw my announcement on flag officer chat the other day, but Biggy is courting me with the intention to marry me. I haven’t given him my answer yet though. And if you ask and he says I’m just making it all up, that’s only because he wants a little mystery in our relationship.

Friday, June 15, 2007


Alright I started the day demanding Jolyma make more veils so I could try them on. While I was doing that she came to do my bidding and Zardian, Tholon, and Nicaeia all came too. We hung out a bit and chatted for fun. The conversation came up about Zardian being suspected as one of my alts, and I gladly claimed her. She’s a horribly misbehaving alt though, almost as bad as Arachne. She started demanding a veil from Joly herself. I had to remind her that only one of me gets stuff. It’d be bad to let her get stuff too. If one alt gets stuff, then all the alts will think they need stuff. Like long skirts. I put a long skirt on an alt and now they all demand long skirts. Well, but for the male alts.

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I left there to grab my money from my coffers so I could throw it at people. I like to call it Rami’s Love Shower, but really it’s just an excuse to throw coins at people. Well, and a way to show my love of my flag and hearties. I forgot to throw poe at my hearties though.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketI then went to Labby to stalk Bigmc. He wasn’t very responsive at first. When I stalk you, you should quake in fear. . . or at least say ahoy. Be warned, my attention was drawn to him when he used fo chat. I asked him if I could announce our engagement over fo and told him I was very excited. This finally got a response when he said, “You are, huh?” So in fo chat I told everyone that we were courting with the intention to marry, but that I hadn’t given him my answer yet. Might help if he’d pop the question first.

I have also decided that Jalexander is Tholon’s father and I demand child support. Did I say decided? I meant decided to come out with it. . . I’ve always known who his father is.

The hour was late and after Biggy went to bed (got offline) I was having trouble finding adequate stalking prey. I promised Reep to stalk him in the future, but I don’t know. . . . he smells funny. Zardian said I should stalk Twiggy, but I checked and he was on a pillage. Then I was told to stalk Pokeme, but I informed them I’ve never heard of that person. Then I was told to stalk Rhodin, but again, never heard of that person. If they aren’t in this flag the odds of me knowing them are very little. But then I remembered someone not in the flag that I had met and when I checked they were still awake (online) so I promptly went to Lima where they lived and knocked on their door.

Zardian stalked me there as well. Funny but Zardian had also stalked me to Biggy. It’s odd being stalked by your own alt. But oh well, not the first time that’s happened. So I get into the house of Surmuck and find he’s with his good friend Manjula whom I also enjoy the company of myself. So I huggled them both. I met a new friend too, though I didn’t add her to my list so don’t know how long that friendship will last, but her name was Smellysmell. She smelled kinda funny, but that’s okay. Surprizes came and I love Surprizes! We just hung out, nothing too big happened.

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Twiggy was still on a pillage and I made a comment about him hiding when I’m stalking him. And also told him I was sure he doesn’t remember me. He didn’t. I told him I wasn’t offended, I’m not often remembered. Both parts of that statement are true. After he ported though he jobbed me so I could stalk him. It’s nice when the prey are good sports about it. Hungrypirate was also jobbing for him and I’m sure I’ve met her before. Probably in a blockade since I haven’t pillaged in awhile. I found them all delightful though and they kept me up a couple of hours beyond the point at which I meant to go to sleep because they were just too amusing. Right before bed I added Hungrypirate to my hearty list. I hope she knows what she’s getting herself into. . .

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Below is a small part of the conversation, I edited out the parts about cookies for length reasons (Hungry was stealing Twiggy’s cookies) and any tells I was having.

Hungrypirate says, "Never trust Dagan... that is what I learnt today"
[03:11:03] Dagan says, "hungry you can trust me"
[03:11:16] Hungrypirate glares at Dagan
[03:11:29] Dagan says, "if i lied to you would you believe me?"
[03:11:58] Hungrypirate says, "erm..."
[03:12:04] Hungrypirate gets confuzzled
[03:12:13] Hungrypirate says, "Is that a trick question?"
[03:12:15] Ramina says, "Don't trust him, he's a pirate!"
[03:12:25] Twiggy laughs heartily
[03:12:36] Hungrypirate wonders if Ram is a pirate...
[03:12:49] Ramina denies
[03:12:58] Hungrypirate says, "because then I shouldn't trust her... but then I would be trusting her... by not trusting her...."
[03:12:58] Dagan says, "i have a pet kitten.... do you believe me now?"
[03:13:03] Ramina says, "I'm an honest landlubber. . .I mean merchant from shore."
[03:13:11] Hungrypirate grabs the chloroform to knock herself out
[03:13:26] Twiggy flails arms
[03:13:36] Ramina says, "That is a good point, Hungry. . ."
[03:14:36] Dagan says, "how about you ram, would you believe me if i lied to you?"
(tells not shown)
[03:17:14] Ramina says, "oh, sorry, was distracted by tells. . . I'll pretend to believe you, does that count?"
[03:17:43] Dagan says, "no"
[03:18:07] Ramina says, "but I'm good at pretending. . . you won't know the difference. . ."
[03:18:37] Hungrypirate whispers from her passed out state "But you told him just now...."
[03:19:23] Ramina says, "It's okay, cause he's afraid to believe me when I said I was pretending because earlier I said you could trust me and he's afraid to trust me. But believing I'm pretending would be trusting me, so he'll think I'm not pretending."
[03:20:09] Dagan says, "wrong"
[03:20:48] Dagan says, "that would get you killed..."
[03:20:51] Hungrypirate gets confuzzled by Rami again... so grabs somemore chloroform...
[03:21:12] Twiggy says, "That stuff leaves a terrible aftertaste."
[03:21:20] Ramina says, "It's okay you can trust me. . . I'm just an honest merchant from shore."

If those involved in this log don’t like it posted, just leave a comment and I’ll take it out. I’d just have to go through the trouble of summarizing it instead. Heh.