Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Favorite Prey [Ara]

I stalk these two way too much. They love it.
Law says ackTikao says yeahAra is all up on Tikao

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Plants and Starfish [Ara]

I found Tikao on the docks. It was an accident, but I pretended to have stalked her for her own ego. But then she went and told everyone else not to come. I of course am plotting mutiny.
Ara and TikaoTikao warns flag where Ara is

Gaea was getting rid of potted plants by having team rumble matches, but it was total chaos. Setting up between matches was taking too long and too many pirates were trying to get in. Some pirates would create big team tables and watch them fill up as others thought it was Gaea and rushed to them, which I found funny.
GaeaGaea has too many plants

I gave up on that and joined a tournament instead. I disconnected in the very last battle, and I wasn’t doing so bad either so I was completely heartbroken. I got a starfish though.
rumble ranks changesStarfishAra cries, so close yet so far.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Lazy Pirate [Ara]

I was told I hadn’t done me job in awhile and I might be out of practice. Being the lazy pirate I am, I ignored said message.
alchemy expired

Anchovia flirted with me.
Anchovia loved the comic

Then I went and put a fancy chair in me crow’s nest onboard Sea Web so I could be lazy while looking for ships to attack. . . or flee from.
chair in crow’s nest

My Greenie Dad

This isn't one of our actual conversations, but they go pretty much like this. Funny thing is as I was working on it, he stuck his head in my door to ask me if I'd ever heard of some other random crew.


I didn't check to make sure there wasn't a crew by this name already or a pirate called Boomboom, the names were made up for the comic.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fearless Kiss [Ara]

The day started really when I got up just after noon and Keverrs asked me to go to Atlantis with him. I didn’t really go into Atlantis. I love Keverrs, but there were pirates on that boat that hate me and I didn’t want to be near them.

I ogled Anchovia.
Anchovia in a nice little nothing

Later in the evening as soon as I stepped out of me house there was all this calling and yelling for me. I tried to flee back to the safety of the darkness, but it was too late.
Tik demands Ara’s presence.

I smacked a bit of booty.
Ara smacks Law’s bootyAra smacks Hurly’s booty

And I wondered how in Viridian did Hurly train his tiger to do that. He must really trust his tiger. Now I know what a ‘Fearless Kiss’ is.
fearless kiss

I finished the night off by talking by captain and her first mate.
Ara stalks Tikao and Lawson

Monday, August 11, 2008

Hurly Misses [Ara]

I didn’t really do much other than go on a pillage, so I don’t really have too much to tell.

Hurly missesJolyma and Arachne

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Soul For Sale [Ara]

Not much to say about the day really. Most of it was spent in chatter with mates. But there’s nothing wrong with a day filled with fun love and bonding.
shoot Foarl, he asked for itbuying and selling souls among mates

Eyeore won her first sword fight tournament. Woo! Gratz, Eye!
What will Eye do with the pink male shirt she won?

Friday, August 08, 2008

Queen Strumpet [Ara]

I was sitting in my townhouse on Tigerleaf minding my own business when Eye said she’d seen Oceanus on the docks, but that he was gone. I naturally had to stalk him. I found him at Whiterose Memorial, an apothecary stall being built. Apparently some people complained about the name however in some childish fit of jealousy. My money was it was someone sore about losing the island. Or an old jilted lover of Whiterose’s. In any case I think those people need to get over themselves and their jealousy.
No theme

I suggested the rename be White Rose Mixes, and thought it was rather nice myself. As an OM I’d have ignored complaints on it, since white and rose are both common words that can be restricted. Though Oceanus’ suggestion of Painting the Roses White is what stuck.
Roseh rants and Ara touches MoePhotobucket

Others names I suggested included Queen Strumpet, but not in reference to Whiterose. The beauty of the name is I don’t have to say who it’s in reference too. The entire ocean knows. More than half the men she cyber with kiss and tell and you hear about a new one every week practically. . . well okay only a few times a month. Men have left the ocean after believing her lies when she tells them they are, “special.”

Oceanus said to call if we needed him, and I asked him if that was also if my needs involved cuddling, but he told me to call Moe in that case. I wonder if Oceanus even noticed when I smacked his booty?
What if my needs involve cuddling?
The shop

Then is was fun chat time with my crew. Like most days I can’t repeat what was said there here. We have a very loving crew.
careful what you say to the logger

After all that chat with my crew my feelings of love and being loved were just soaring so I had to do a Love Shower. Unfortunately for Oceanus he was already off by the Love Shower, so Castor got hit instead. Eye and Tik went nuts trying to catch the falling coins. Eye even tried to steal Captain Flood’s coin, and Tik got out an umbrella, turned it upside down, and tried to catch extra.
Love Shower

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Make Me Laugh or Swim [Ara]

Tikao said we were going to pillage, so I rushed right over to her Eager Beaver. Tyrade of course beat me there, but that’s alright. We just flirted with each other while waiting for jobbers. Trukker and Ellie were still too busy with their whole newlyweds thing to come out of their house and pillage.
Arachne, Tikao, and Tyrade

Met a pirate called Kimbad this trip. She’s funny, I like her. I think I’ll keep her around.

On this trip we got krakens blood and hemp oil. I’ll pretend I know what hemp oil is and if that’s good or not, but don’t tell anyone I have no idea. I stab and yell, I don’t keep up with the oceans’ economics.
kraken blood hemp oil

I was top carp every time the duty report came around. Every single time. Alright, so we were on a sloop and I was only carp, but I was still the best at it.
woo, top carp!

The lesson I learned today, if you talk about Tracy she appears.
Tracy comes at mention of her name