Faytel wanted to go on a pillage and I decided to go with her, so we found a ship that had room for two more and joined. The ship was Boring Sawfish, owned by the crew Opulence and captained by Tabogus. We kept going to these islands where we had to man the guns and then fight vikings. Neither of us had ever gone on this voyage type before. It was chaotic and I wasn't sure what was going on, but I got to shoot things then stab or punch them, so that's good enough for me.
Start of each battle I'd be yelling me cry of, "Poke 'em in the eye!" This one scurvy infested mate kept rambling on and on about nonsense and not always making any sort of sense at all. At the start of one battle this Mr. Mouthy actually told me to stop yelling me battle cry. Faytel and I were already highly annoyed by him and wishing he'd be planked, so crossing me was probably not the best thing he could have done. Hell hath no fury like a woman with a blog.
On the plus side, he was a shining example to us of why Faytel should learn to bnav so we can lead our own pillages and plank the lazers, boochers, back seat navers, and chat spammers. He was all four.
No other problems and I still count it as a good voyage. Getting a plus one in my shares probably sweetened that pot for me.
After the voyage was over Faytel wanted to be looking at new threads. Having nothing better to do I tagged along. Her great sense of fashion was just as impeccable trying things on as it is normally. She still dressed like me.
Then Cyanos called to me to eye his ghost rat. Nice creepy little critter. Wins my approval.