Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Buttered Corn [Ara]

I went out with the Bootleg Bandits again. That’s right, went out with all of them at once. I’m a pirate, so it’s okay.

Captain Corn was there this time too. He likes to help keep me on my toes in carp by trying to outdo me. He also likes to help me with the munity, but I think we’d only fight over the captain’s hat if our mutiny ever worked, and then Chavez would come in and take it when we weren’t looking. . . just like the governship of Vale.

CC kept trying to do better than me in carp so I had to curse him. I had no other choice. One day soon he’ll step in gum and it’ll stick to the bottom of his foot because he’s not wearing shoes. That’ll teach him to outdo me!

So we ported in order to split up the booty and sell the kraken’s blood we’d found. I saw Corn and Tikao were standing right next to each other so thinking they were in a meeting, I went to join them. Diamond told us we weren’t allowed to leave the ship, but someone said we ran out of rum, so off I went.

Ms Solange was onboard and she decided to touch me, which seemed to spark a touching Ara fest. But not to worry I touched her back too. That’s what hearties are for.

Falbard thanked us for the pillage, but I thought that was rather odd since it was the Bandits that hosted the pillage. I think he’d had too much rum.

Back on the island I found two of the sexiest boys on the ocean, they’re no Flood, but they’re in my crew so that makes them pretty darn sexy. Emphasis on the word pretty in CC’s case.

I decided to go around checking the news in the various places around the island to see what mischief Chavez had been up to. Corn decided to stalk me. He was having greenie stalker issues. Yvonnie wanted to butter his corn, so he was on the run. I guess he figured to fight a stalker with a stalker so he was going to stick close to a better stalker than the one after him.

Right outside my house, which is really Tikao’s house, I stopped to admire my pumpkin garden and see how well they’re doing. They seem ripe in all seasons and never rot. Must be the special growth juice I got from Dad to use on them. But anyway, we noticed while we were there that the news of the houses didn’t seem to be tagged by Chavez.

Then it was time to go off to sleep and dream of a honey covered Captain Flood.

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