Tikao petitioned Aphrodite to get Vargas an invitation to my wedding, but Aphrodite said she couldn’t do it, that Daddy doesn’t listen to the OMs. It was a nice try though.
I jobbed for Atlantis with the Bootleg Bandits. Falbard was very happy to see me, but he shouldn’t have been. I didn’t do so well in my puzzles and I set a tranny off like a fire across the deck.
On the plus side, I’m now illustrious in sailing. I’m shedding more and more of my alt roots everyday. Alright, I admit it, I claim I’m allergic to alts because I used to be one. Alts are a subclass of people in on the ocean and it’s been a long hard road to get out of that rut.
Mad Maeven said she wasn’t brave enough to come with us at first and she’d since bought a badge but we were already underway. Thinking she might be like me and looking for any excuse for someone to hold her, I commented that she was afraid and needed to be held. She proved a little more feminist than myself however and took slight offense. Or maybe she is more like me and wants to be the one to initiate the holding. I like to stab my men so they can’t run away as fast. I don’t like running.
I wasn’t getting into very many of the frays so I tried to bribe Diamond. That still didn’t work and I only ended up in one fray in the entire trip. Next time I’ll just have to comment before we head out that I want in on every fray. Back when I used to go with Hawkings all the time, Joly always knew to let me into the fray.
In regards to that tranny I set off. I didn’t know at first what I’d said to set her off. It appeared as if she were suddenly attacking me for no reason. It all started when she said she could win a pissing contest against a normal girl and I said normal girls don’t get into pissing contests. Apparently it was alright for her to use the word “normal” but not for me. So she looked for ways to slam me and discredit me. I didn’t let her. I didn’t even know she’d taken anything wrong until she called me a hater, then that’s when I realized she was overreacting to something that was said and apologized. Before that I thought she was just trying to be mean to me for no reason. The worse part of it, is that it had to happen with all my Bandit mates there to have to listen to the little tranny. Whenever you’re attacked like this, it always brings you down too, whether you respond or not. More so if you don’t respond, because people assume whatever is said must be true if you don’t deny it.
[22:44:09] Mischa says, "You must expel 300cc's of urine to pass!"
[22:44:19] Numbercrunch says, "wow thats a lot!"
[22:44:22] Divinewind laughs
[22:44:40] Matthe says, "pass what"
[22:45:07] Ummon says, "Mischa, careful who you get into a peeing contest with ;p"
[22:45:25] Mischa says, "Well, I know I could beat any "normal" girl ^_^"
[22:45:29] Matthe says, "u might put your eye out"
[22:45:50] Arachne says, "any 'normal' girl wouldn't get into a peeing contest."
[22:46:00] Mischa says, "<--- Tranny"
[22:46:04] Arachne says, "I know."
[22:46:10] Godfire says, "what has the world come to when normal is determined by a peeing contest"
[22:46:20] Ummon says, "Bladder is bladder."
[22:46:23] Mischa says, "And, FYI, I have been in a pissing contest with a normal gal"
[22:46:32] Falbard says, "TMI"
[22:46:34] Madmaeven says, "did she beat ya?"
[22:46:34] Mischa says, "So eats it"
[22:46:41] Mischa says, "No, I still have my wang"
[22:46:43] Arachne says, "she wasn't really normal then. . . just a natural woman."
[22:47:04] Bumspanker says, "oh thats something to be proud of"
[22:47:22] Mischa says, "Ara is obviously so uptight she can't pass wind"
[22:48:07] Mischa says, "Long pee is long"
[22:49:26] Godfire says, "woot"
[22:49:28] Godfire says, "top th and carp"
[22:50:06] Happos says, "i hate that you get a booch if you start too close to DR"
[22:50:14] Mischa says, "So, you guys that always tell everyone they topped the DR, did you not get enough hugs from mommy-kins, or too many hugs from Uncle Bad-Touch?"
[22:50:38] Arachne laughs, jealous of others more skilled than you?
[22:50:56] Mischa says, "Ummm I GM more than one duty"
[22:51:03] Mischa says, "Miss holier-than-thou"
[22:51:11] Rhoaleper jumps into the sea to escape
[22:51:22] Arachne says, "not being disgusted is not the same thing as being prude, English not your first language?"
[22:51:40] Mischa says, "I'm a published author actually..."
[22:51:59] Arachne says, "you’re the first tranny I've ever met that wasn't any fun."
[22:52:06] Divinewind says, "....."
[22:52:07] Mischa says, "I can guess why"
[22:53:07] Arachne says, "this tranny sure has it out for me. . ."
[22:53:26] Bayne says, "in what way Ara"
[22:53:56] Arachne says, "I don't know. I didn't do anything to her. I normally like trannies, they tend to be fun to be around, but this one is all claws and no fun."
[22:54:14] Mischa says, "So many crabs *Eyes Ara*"
[22:54:20] Bayne says, "maybe she’s jealous"
[22:54:41] Arachne says, "that's a contradiction, you keep claiming I'm uptight, can't be that and have an STD. . wouldn't be having sex."
[22:54:52] Mischa says, "It's actually "STI" now"
[22:55:10] Mischa says, "And guys like tight girls, no? *grin* don't come much tighter than you"
[22:55:30] Mischa says, "What were you saying about English? heh"
[22:55:36] Arachne says, "Are you flirting with me now?"
[22:55:46] Mischa says, "Sorry, I don't do kids"
[22:55:54] Falbard says, "Mischa, I grow weary. Give it a rest."
[22:56:09] Hahonine says, "as far as I can tell, this incessant bickering hurts the boat, and proves you both to be children"
[22:56:11] Mischa says, "Me? ha, she's the transphobe"
[22:56:31] Arachne says, "how can that be if I've already told you I like trannies, cause they tend to be fun? Another contridiction."
[22:56:34] Falbard says, "We're all delighted in your alternative sexuality...we'd like to focus on the game now."
[22:56:45] Divinewind laughs
[22:56:48] Mischa says, "Ok, I'll ignore the ignorant then"
[22:57:01] Falbard says, "A good practice in any case."
[22:57:09] Ye told Falbard, "sorry I stirred her up, not sure what I did to do that, she was just suddenly attacking me. . must have taken something I said wrong."
[22:57:25] Falbard tells ye, "Don't worry about it. It gave me a chance to shut him/her up."
[22:57:29] Mischa says, "I apologize as well, just some haters, I can't stand"
[22:57:47] Falbard tells ye, "Should have heard him/her Friday...yeeesh"
[22:58:59] Ye told Mischa, "if you took something I said wrong to make you believe that I'm sorry you feel that way. Might help to be less defensive and then you might have seen I didn't say anything hateful."
[22:58:59] Mischa is bilging and might be too busy to respond.
[22:59:50] Mischa tells ye, "Trannies don't like to be called anything different than normal women, you might think it's a compliment to say were "fun" but we don't want to be seen as any different to biowomen"
[23:01:06] Ye told Mischa, "actually when I said that I was referring to the girl you said was normal. That and I always get into those boys are disgusting banter with people. Never had anyone get offended by it before."
[23:01:06] Mischa is hauling treasure and might be too busy to respond.
[23:02:30] Mischa tells ye, "I apologize for jumping at your throat... if you get to know me, you'll know why they say I'm a +26 to morale"
[23:03:48] Ye told Mischa, "I apologize for saying something you could take wrong. I see how that might have come off like that, since it's just text and you can't hear my tone. We'll just put it behind us now."
My morale was completely shot by haters and lack of frays. Mean people suck, nice people rock! I had a little greenie trying to request to be my hearty and I denied him, three times. I then put myself on do not disturb and he sent me a tell, in which I realized it wasn’t a greenie. It was CC. Then to be cute, he rejected my hearty request.
I was tired but I thought I could handle a little action in the flotilla, since I never go, and Flood had asked me personally to go and he never does that. But I proved to be more tired than I thought and I didn’t make it past the jobbing phase.
I always let you in the frays darlin, that's the only reason you loved coming along with me!