Friday, May 14, 2010

Mutiny! . . . Again - Ara

Arachne loves to mutiny

Having been scarce on the seas for a bit, was getting afraid me captain would be turning soft. Did the best thing I could, I did. I called for a mutiny.

I first submitted a proposal to make meself captain. Funny how she never votes to do that.
Ara proposes to make Ara captain

Then I stalked me Queen Captain and challenged her to a duel. She's still captain.
Ara stalks Tikao
Ara challenges Tikao to a duel and loses
Ara tells Tik she can keep her big fancy hat

Me husband stopped by, though I not being sure if were to help me or her seeing as how he tried to stab me. I of course accused him of letting me win and kicked him in the shin. Though he did offer some sage advice toward the mutiny.
Flood gives Ara advice

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