Friday, April 03, 2009

Return of Tracy

Alcaran of Viridian

Tracy showed up today. She’s been gone a long time. But she couldn’t fool me, I knew ninjas had captured her and withheld the rum until she broke. Ninjas can be cruel like that. Now Tracylyn is a ninja spy.

Kayos of Viridian

I went to do some alchemy work but I kept trying to hard and doing expert labor when there was only basic labor to fill. So I left the stall to go find Tikao.

I found her at her house and found her door was open so I walked in without knocking just to show her how easy that’d be for a real stalker. She was lucky it was only me.

It was late at night, but she invited me on a war brig pillage. Unfortunately I was too tired. She ran off to go join it and left me in her house. I swear I left everything how I found it. I didn’t go through anyone’s drawers or take any of the silver from the kitchen. If all the rum was gone when they got back that must have been someone else that walked through the open door. They should learn to start locking it. Or put the dogs in the front room, they don’t seem to guard much out in the yard.

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